Friday, June 7, 2019

a path forward

James and I went to the Block Cancer Center in Skokie Il. and spoke with everyone from a nutritionist to a social biologist. We were meeting with folks from 10am-6:30pm. Then flew home. They made some interesting suggestions and are pretty confidant that there is a way forward using a new chemo and being much more aggressive with nutrition and exercise. We are sharing info with our cville doc, who also spoke with folks at the MD Anderson Cancer center in houston. They want me to come to Houston and discuss clinical trials. Both of these things may dovetail. I'm feeling more optimistic and so is James. My Ben and Jerry's days are behind me for a while!
Take care,


  1. big thumbs up! you're a wonder. and so's that hubby of yours! xo

  2. Candace and I are in Texas today (meeting Lena) - c'mon down -- hot all hell here. Mag and Candy are mending fences - nice. Clean living won't hurt you. Sorry Ben Sorry Jerry.

  3. what a great way to end the day !!
