Monday, January 30, 2012

Biopsy Day!

I went to Richmond today for my 3 month bone marrow biopsy. I'll have the results in a month. In April I go in for massive testing- chest, lungs, another bone marrow biopsy and more immunizations. According to my most recent bloodwork my hemoglobin is getting better but my biliruben is edging slowly back up. Nothing to panic about- just something to watch. We came home and had a lonngggggg nap. They pump me full of drugs that make me sleepy. I don't know what James's excuse was!
Take care,

Monday, January 23, 2012


Just a quick update. I go in next Monday for a biopsy and more immunizations. I'm getting more energy and don't nap most days. I'm still seeing my integrative medicine doc and nutritionist. They've got me swilling vitamins like mad. I'm back in the classroom and so far so good. Also I had a cold about a month ago and it behaved just like a normal cold. No drama, no hospital no nothing! Just a normal cold meeting a normal immune system. Pretty pretty pretty good!
Take care,