Friday, March 8, 2019

Mixed results

So the results are partially in. There are 3 ways of looking at the blasts. One way says they are up to 15.5, one says they are down to 5 and the third isn't in yet. My boy cells are coming back- 60% boy 40% old cells. That's the best it's been in a long time. So the chemo seems to be doing the job. I was hoping it would be a month and I'd be back in remission but apparently that didn't happen. It was very unrealistic but that's what I was thinking would happen. I've been needing platelets and blood very regularly but today I was ok. It's hard to know how to feel. I'm def feeling sad about it. I want to push through and get this done. Apparently, I am not in charge.
I'm going to cuddle up in my bed now and read and nap. It's snowing very lightly and my house is nice and warm. I saw Thomas last night and that was wonderful.. I also saw baby Rowan on Weds and she is a cuddle bunny. I think she's going to have blue eyes, like Lyles. She's very sweet. She makes those funny faces, trying to figure out how her little body works. 
I'm going to see spring which I love. I'm ordering a load of mulch to get my beds ready and sowing flower seeds for the summer flowers. Thomas will help me. He's very much aware of the natural world. I have a video of him when he was a baby saying "I eat mulch all de time, dude." I'm going to try to find it. If I do, I'll post it.
Take care,