Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fourth birthday...check!

Just a quick update. I passed my fourth birthday on Oct 29th. I had a small celebration and a BIG bout of gratitude. The best thing in my very full and exciting life is my grandson. He is an angel baby and the sweetest of the sweet. A photo, you say?   Okay!
In Health and Kicking Ass,

PS I am still juicing, eating organic, doing EMDR and exercising 4x a week plus gardening and of course, work. I'm also spending more time in the studio and just has a one person show!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014


I had a biopsy and the mess o' tests two weeks ago and received my results today. My lungs are perfect, my bone marrow is perfect and I feel great. The nurses and docs were wonderful- I feel so lucky. I'm keeping up the rigorous routine of exercise, juicing, meditation etc etc and it is paying off. Congratulations to my transplant sisters, Gloria and Ashley. Both have hit their five year anniversary and both are wonderful inspirations to me.
In Health,