Thursday, December 19, 2019

The blasts are up a little so transplant is put off. They are at 11%. I don't think it's unusual for them to jump around but, of course, I'm a little freaked out. So more treatment and another biopsy next month will reveal what's next.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Happy December

We had a good holiday except Katie and Rowan were sick so the Solla-Yates/Masons stayed home. They sent over food so we all had a great meal but not all together. I had a unit of blood last Weds just in case. I was close to needing it but not quite. Just in case, I had a unit. That was the low period after chemo- when all my counts are low.  Today I had labs and my hemoglobin is 10 which is very high for me. My platelets had doubled and so had my neutraphils. (Spelling!!). Why that matters is that it shows my bone marrow is recovering which it didn't do after the first trial. I go back to Texas on Dec 15th and will have another biopsy and begin the next round of immunotherapy and chemotherapy. I'll know by that weds how my blasts are doing. I'm down to 7 which is great but not ready for transplant. The texas Doc said the counts can also go up a little which isn't unusual. So....if the counts go up we will continue treatment - if they go down, we schedule the transplant. It takes about 2 weeks for the donor to go through their process. I'm hopeful.. I would love to move forward and start the big recovery. I had a great day today- I exercised, walked home from my therapists office, gardened at Jame's office and took myself out for a piece of excellent pie and a cup of tea. Tomorrow I'll see Thomas.
Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers.
Take care,