Wednesday, April 10, 2019

This is the post I thought I lost!!! DOH!!!!!

I'm hanging in- still waiting. I have a biopsy next monday April 15th. The results should be back by the end of the week or early the following week. My doc is sending the samples to the UVA lab and the lab at MC Anderson in Houston. The results from the last teats have been odd. They use two different tests to see where I am with the blasts. The blasts are abnormal cells that the body eliminates unless you have a problem. 1-3% is normal, anything else indicates a problem. 21% is considered Leukemia. My last two tests have show 3-5% and 15%. The tests are very inconclusive and have everyone scratching their heads. Hopefully, using the two labs, we may see something more conclusive. I am living in the now.
My energy is ok. I need transfusions of blood and or platelets after the chemo rounds. My blood gets better in between chemos. I'm still gardening - the spring is amazing here, but I take a lot of rests. My neighbor use to call me a beast. I am not a beast these days. Hopefully after the transplant.  I'm seeing a lot of the grandkids and James and I are focusing on doing fun things. We have both put on weight and we call it our "food baby". Thomas, James and I compare our food babies. Believe it or not, James wins!!
I'll post after the results. Keep me in your prayers. I'm going to finish taking my vitamins (so so many) and go work in the garden.
Take care,


  1. Us chronics are all hanging in there
    determined to mess up our statistical predictions.
    May the force be with us!!

  2. we can think the blasted number down. Think think think!!
