Monday, November 8, 2010

Day +10

I'm posting early today. I work up at 6:45 and slept alot last night. I think I feel a little rested. I did NOT exercise yesterday but i WILL today.Okay my counts as of last night at 6:00.p m
wbc white blood count) 0.6
(red blood count) 3.19
platelets 29.10
hemoglobin 10,0
neuophils 69.9
This is the first time we've seen this number. In the past it said "unable to report". I think these numbers are astonishing. I haven't talked with the docs yet however my nurse (another in a long row of smart dedicated and charming caregivers) said I might be looking at going home in a week (next mon) instead of fri nov 19th. I can't tell you how excited I am. I feel so optimistic. In fact after I heard my numbers last night I was on line looking for a pair of glitter wigs (for obvious reasons) and found a site of very styiized hair sculptures for those who wish to express themselves in song and dance. My affinity should be obvious.
Your friend in hair,


  1. Nice doo, cuz!!! Keep the numbers up. Love, Barry and Lee

  2. OMG!! You are rockin it today .....move over Lady Gaga....LXOOXO

  3. I just sent the videos to your apartment instead of the hospital. It sounds like you are getting ready to bust outta there!! With that hairdo, nothing can hold you back!!! Love Love Love it!! You look Marvelous Darling!!

  4. I think you are more hibiscus than rose. Do they have any tropical flower wigs?
